Saturday, June 25, 2011

{Lincoln pictures}

We took a trip to Lincoln recently to say farewell to my beloved Grandma (mother to six children).  Personally, I think she probably needs to be recognized as a saint, since my Grandpa was actually more like her seventh child, but I aunt thought it would be neat to put all the kids' baby shoes on Grandma's casket (and thus I'm sure a new trend has begun), and wanted a picture of it.
{OK, I have to admit that I felt REALLY creepy carrying my camera over to my grandma's casket to get this picture, but my aunt wanted it, so...}

My daughter and I took a break from sorting through things and had a quiet moment on my grandparents' deck.  Wanted more sunlight to filter through, but couldn't seem to get the tree to cooperate.

She loves to have her picture taken, can you tell?
{photos taken by Amy}

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