Just so you know, I am getting older. I forget things more than I used to (and if you knew me in my younger years, you realize my memory wasn't so good then either). Having said that, I really, REALLY appreciate Carol and Stacy being patient enough to wait on me as I sped (no, officer, I did the speed limit. I promise) to the photography session this afternoon...but enough about me. I had a lot of fun with this family (whom I've known for...well, several years) today. I hope you enjoy the sneak peek :)
By far, one of my favorite shots today. Thanks to whomever the photographer was that left this message on the steps. It fit our picture perfectly!!
I seriously love these two boys!!
...and their feet. There is something sweet about baby and toddler feeties :)
I just love his expression here as brother gives him a kiss.